​laraak oils

"Take control of how you feel ."  ™



What is EFT? Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping
EFT in San Francisco


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as Meridian Tapping, or Tapping, it is an effective form of Energy Psychology therapy.  EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture, except needles, are not used. Instead, we stimulate energy points on your body called Meridians by tapping on them with our fingertips. When we tap we stimulate the Meridians the same way that Acupressure and Acupuncture do.  Tapping sends electrical impulses through the body.  Meridians are energy channels also known as Chi.  One of the pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Meridians are invisible lines that run through the body that carry energy to every organ and system.  EFT stimulates the proper flow of energy throughout the Meridians on your body and eliminates energy and emotional blockages. While we are tapping, we tune into and focus on the issue or feelings that are bothering you. This simple process eliminates energy blockages in your body, which then results in clearing the negative emotions which in turn brings relief from the physical symptoms as well. By balancing the energy system and allowing energy to flow freely, whatever issue you are experiencing should minimize or even disappear completely.  Acupuncturists know that stimulating and balancing meridians can alleviate pain and other symptoms as well. EFT can help you with the emotional aspects that are contributing to your physical condition. Sometimes EFT works where nothing else does. Many Psychotherapists are now using EFT as a complementary tool to help their clients heal faster. If  I could put it in a nutshell, "EFT is an excellent stress relief," you can tap on the points (without going through the whole process), to quickly get relief from whatever is bothering at that moment. It's great to use EFT when you are at the height of your emotions, you will feel immediate release from your negative thoughts. EFT doesn't make you forget but allows you to become emotionally unattached to the situation so you no longer suffer from it.

​EFT allows us to remove Negative Learned Beliefs in our subconscious programs by releasing the energy usually stored as emotions (emotions = energy in motion) from our cells. Emotions are the end result of an experience, if you are suffering from the results of a bad experience, EFT can help you release these emotions so that they no longer have a hold on you.  EFT works on the emotional body or subconscious mind.  To change your life you must change your mind by changing your beliefs and emotions that no longer serve you.  One of the most effective ways of doing that is releasing the energy blocks from your system. EFT is a remarkable tool that can help you achieve just that. 

​As an EFT practitioner, my goal is to help you unleash the upgraded version of you so you can live your life with less stressful moments and more happy ones. I want you to experience inner peace and happiness. The negative feelings and beliefs that go on in your 'mind chatter" are the only things that hold you back from being, doing everything you want in life. Let me help you find the path of least resistance. Take control of how you feel; that's true freedom and self-empowerment. During our session, I will teach you the EFT tapping points so that you may continue tapping at home.

​I know there is a lot of information on this page but trust me it is essential that you take the time to read this.  You don't have to read it all today, you can do it in stages.  I spent many hours gathering the right information so that you can have all the knowledge that took me years to learn and understand right here now. It is my gift to you. 

Energy Body & Stress How EFT Can Help. 

Have you ever heard of illnesses caused by stress?

What many people do not realize is that stress can disable the body's immune system to make you more susceptible to germs in the environment. Many kinds of infirmities result from your immune system's inability to function properly. Stress, especially the unrelenting kind for which there is no relief, can play havoc with your body's ability to fight off microscopic invaders or to operate in the way it is supposed to. The term stress was coined by Hungarian physician Hans Selye in the 1930s to describe symptoms common to many different diseases. When we are stressed, it affects our whole body. When we are stressed our nervous system is compromised.  We have two halves to the autonomic ("automatic") nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic.  Stress activates the sympathetic half while relaxation activates the parasympathetic half. The nerves from the sympathetic and parasympathetic link to every major system in our body.

When we are stressed it activates our Fight or Flight Response which is essential to survival.  The problem is as humans in a modern stressed world this system is activated several times a day by ordinary events. Our system makes adrenaline, cortisol, and DHEA hormones.  Our endocrine glands make lots of cortisol when we are stressed.  When we are relaxed we make lots of DHEA (cell repair hormone).  We use the same precursors to build both DHEA and cortisol, and our body shunts production between the two depending on how stressed we are.  When we are stressed, up to 70% of the blood drains from our frontal lobe into our peripheral muscles.  You don't need to be able to perform calculus when you are running from a tiger.  However, how many of us today need to run from tigers?  Our bodies cannot tell the difference between the war in our mind, and actual real war.  Our bodies are reacting in the same way our ancestors did when they were running from tigers, yet today this same reaction is brought about through road rage for example.

​We all have an energy body, this body circulates energy the same way our physical body circulates the air we breathe and the food we eat.  The energy body digests experiences in the same way the physical body digests food.  What goes in gets processed and it comes out.  The energy body processes/digest our experiences.  When an experience is not properly digested, energy gets clogged up in the system.  This frozen patter of energy is known as disruptive energy.  When a stressful experience is not properly digested by the energy body it is stored up in the body until it is triggered again. The reason why this happens is that when we experience extreme or overwhelming stress our body switches from digesting mode to recording mode.  

Take 9/11 for instance. You can remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you heard it on the news, but you cannot remember what you ate for breakfast that morning.  When overwhelmed everything is recorded by the body, the sight, smells, sounds, taste, feelings, words, etc.  This event can then be triggered in a future date by the same song that was playing on the radio the day that event happened and it is enough to make the person have a physiological reaction to the event.  That is how PTSD occurs.  When Veterans with PTSD tell their stories they can remember everything related to the 5 senses during the event as if they were there in person even though 20 years have passed. 

​The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. Until this disruption is dealt with when there is a trigger the person will physiologically experience that event.  EFT is a remarkable tool that allows you to release emotional aspects related to the stressful event so that you no longer suffer from it.  It releases the emotional blockages from your energy body so that the energy can flow easily again. You don't need to be a Veteran with PTSD to suffer from traumatic events in your life.  Childhood traumas are very common, and even in adult life we continue to experience stress that can cause us to have emotional blockages in our system.  A stressful encounter on your way to work can do the trick.  Not to mention a car accident, or a boss that is always making you feel inferior, or a co-worker that tries to sabotage you.  Some symptoms of trauma are intrusive uncontrolled thoughts, nightmares, flashbacks, hyper-vigilance just to name a few. EFT is a stress-reduction technique.  It combines remembering a traumatic event (exposure) with physical stimulation.  It works on all the 14 Meridian endpoints by gently tapping on them.  It is estimated that millions of people worldwide are using EFT with great results.  

EFT is a wonderful tool to teach to children, imagine if we could release negative emotional blockages from our energy system when we were a child or teenager? Today we would have much lighter emotional baggage to deal with! 

Mind Chatter

Do you know that little voice in your head that sometimes takes over your thinking mind with endless dialogues?  That voice that is always sabotaging you?  This voice is known for its attempts to try to make you feel unworthy, doubtful, and fearful about things that haven't even happened yet. EFT can help reduce that "mind chatter" especially the way you react to those thoughts as well.

That voice in your head is not real; it's your egoic mind (term egoic mind I believe was coined by Eckhart Tolle). The problem here is that we were taught and conditioned to believe that our thoughts are real and that we need to pay attention to what they have to say.  "I think, therefore, I AM."  The I AM in this phrase is the ego and not the true unlimited Being that you are. The majority of the population suffers from this obsessive-compulsive thinking (OCT).  It is so common that most people can live their entire lives without ever realizing this. 

Do you want to find out if you suffer from this mind chatter or OCT?  It is simple, stop for a moment and realize that your mind is usually thinking about something that has already happened, or is worrying about a future event that has not happened yet.  The worse enemy of the egoic mind is the present moment.   Being in acceptance and surrendering to this moment in complete joy is possible to achieve by learning how to BE here now without emotionally being attached to the past or the future.  EFT is a tool that can facilitate this process. 

Some Science Behind All of This...

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of Evolve Your Brain explains that for every thought we have, our brain produces a chemical so that our body can FEEL exactly the way we are THINKING.  Stop for a moment and really think about this statement.  If this is true, then every time you have a happy thought your brain produces a happy chemical.  The same then is true for when you have a negative thought, do you agree?  This is all good if the majority of the time you are thinking positive or happy thoughts.  However, if you are thinking negative or bad thoughts most of the time, what do you think happens then?  You start feeling bad, right?  Now because you are feeling bad you start thinking about how you are feeling, in turn, your brain produces more chemicals so you can continue to feel the way you are thinking.  You are now caught up in a loop of thinking and feeling, feeling, and thinking; hence the human drama.  Dr. Joe explains that what ultimately happens is that feeling becomes the means of thinking, what that means is that mind is now immersed in the body.  You are not thinking as a mind, you are now thinking as a body.  The body memorizes the condition, a habit is when the body memorizes an emotion.  And now because the body is determining the outcome based on a feeling you start waking up in the morning feeling bad, or insecure, or afraid, or doubtful, or angry and the list goes on.  According to Dr. Joe, 90% of who we are sits in the subconscious programs.  As an example: if a person has insecure thoughts pretty soon she'll start feeling insecure.  Over time this person becomes insecure, she is now addicted to the feeling of insecurity and feels she has no control over how she feels.  That's when EFT can be used to help you release yourself from this loop and get you to think greater than how you feel. 

​Dr. Joe explains that emotions are the end result of an experience.  When we remember an experience we do so because we remember how we felt. We remember our first kiss, our first day in school when we learned how to ride a bike or when we first learned how to drive a car. When we learn something, we learn the knowledge first, it's not until we put into practice that we actually experience what we learned.  The brain produces the chemicals to teach the body what the mind knows intellectually. Neuroscience tells us that the brain cannot differentiate between what we imagine and what we actually experience.  So when we are thinking about a past event, the brain produces the same chemicals that it produced when the event actually took place.  Therefore, when we think about a past event we are in reality re-living the event chemically and emotionally the same exact way we did when we first experienced it.  That's how people can develop Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome because they re-live the same event over and over again in their mind because how they felt at the time was extremely traumatic for them.  This happens because our Frontal Lobe allows us to make thought more real than anything else.  Just think for a moment and remember how easy it is for you to get yourself worked up when you mentally re-enact that last fight you had with somebody that really hurt you.  Stop for a moment and realize that you can get yourself to feel the same anger, resentment, frustration, and sadness that you felt when it actually happened.  Do you want more proof that the mind affects the body?  Ask any young man to close his eyes and mentally visualize his favorite Victoria Secret model being sweet to him and you tell me if his private parts don't start to react.  I guarantee you it will because the body is always reacting to how we think and feel.