• Track 13:30



sound healing in San Francisco

Sound Healing during your treatment

Sound Healing can done through various techniques and even technologies. Science has proven that sound, or vibration, has a strong impact upon substance. For example, the study of Cymatics has shown how sound creates geometric patterns in matter. Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown that sound changes the molecular structure of water. ​We are often affected by the sounds we hear. We react well to a nice calming piece of music and badly by obnoxious repeated noises like car alarms that won't go off.

​"Everything is vibration." - Albert Einstein. Everything in nature vibrates at a different frequency including us. Everything around us is a vibrating frequency, even what appears to be solid, at a subatomic level, matter becomes vibrating energy. This so called micro state exists in all things.

I use a Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl in a C tone during my sessions. People have reported feeling very relaxed after a session. I use Sound Healing and Dowsing as a form of balancing your energy system to facilitate a state of well-being for you.

​During my Reiki sessions I use binaural beats music to help you relax even more. Binaural beats are created when two tones are detuned from each other by a small amount. The resulting third oscillation, which is the difference between the two frequencies, will automatically entrain the brain into different brainwave frequencies. If you hook up an EEG unit to your brain (picks up brainwave frequencies), you will see the two hemispheres synchronize frequencies. The brainwave frequencies are: beta, alpha, theta, delta, and now gamma. Binaural Beats article

You are listening to Om in Alpha freq from Synchonicity

​laraak oils